Order Form

Thank you for choosing Thomson Reuters. Please complete this form to complete your purchase online. Before you submit the form, check the accuracy of the email address, as you will emailed the software set-up instructions, unlock code and registration key to the specified email address once your purchase is complete. Be sure your business name is accurate as it will be linked to the unlock code.

Personal details
* indicates required field.
Business name *
Contact name *
Postal address *
Town or Suburb *
State * Post code *
Telephone *
Email address *
What software did you use previously? *
Subscription Type
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Security Code

Product selection

The initial term ("Initial Term") of your Licence begins on the date you are granted access to the Software and expires on 30 June 2026. Once a Renewal Term has commenced, it is non-cancellable. If a Renewal Term has begun, requests to cancel will be effective at the end of the current Renewal Term.

Prices diminish on a sliding scale when purchasing additional licenses.

Description Price QTY Total
Desktop Software
Tax Assistant
Early bird sale. Save $80 off RRP for a single tax license (standard price $999) 
Ends April 30, 2025.
Tax module which includes, PLS lodgment of main forms from
2001 to 2025. Also includes client billing, lodgement reports and FBT form for 2024 & 2025.
Ledger Assistant
Includes Financial statements for all types of entities, Asset manager, Report designer and link with the Tax module.
ASIC Register Assistant
Preparation and Electronic lodgement of all major EDGE and ECR forms including 201 and 484 forms. Preparation of Constitution, Share registers, Certificates, Consents, Opening minutes and other register documents.
Practice Assistant
Timesheets, Advanced billing, Job flow alerts, Network diary & tasks, Debtors & Performance reports, Contact manager, Data mining and Document manager.
SMS credits
Send low cost (10c each) SMS messages from Assistant to your clients. The SMS feature is integrated to all modules of Assistant.
Please note: If no messages are sent for a period of 12 months, any credits purchased will expire. Please ensure that you send at least one message in any 12 month period.
Bank Feeds
Enables downloading bank transactions directly to Ledger Assistant or Business Assistant programs. The annual fee is charged per bank connection. The online banking authentication is required to access the bank transactions.
Promotion code
Less discount: $ 
Total: $ 
Total includes GST: $